Still waiting at Big Chute Lock 44. Fri. July 8, 2022

“Management” came to boaters mid morning and explained due to Covid and staffing shortages Lock 44 will not be open until Wed., July 13th. A couple of boats left but clearly 20+ trawlers are here to stay…

Our Canadian boating friends didn’t have wifi either. Luckily we have Verizon and could still have wifi.
We went to our boat/seaplane access only restaurant and what did we see?
Yes! A seaplane here, too.
Enjoyed seeing it taxi out.
We were joined for dinner by friends who used their dingy too.
What did we see on the way back? A boat gone adrift…actually hauled ashore…their new “cottage” as the Canadians say here.
Never know what’s next…
Time to relax after dinner.
Our view.
As we trawlers all wait…and make the best of it.

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