Annapolis to Worton Creek, DE June 5, 2022

Map up the Chesapeake.
Small regatta as we left Annapolis.
John on the helm with his new instruments.
Explored old- time- America witb Worton Creek Marina.
Made it through our 1st day back on the Loop. 11 freighters, small sailboat regatta, crab pots, small craft wind warning with gusts to 20 mph and good bye to friends at Port Annapolis Marina.

7 Replies to “Annapolis to Worton Creek, DE June 5, 2022”

  1. Welcome back to the Loop! It was fun reading your blog and relating to it. We were thinking of heading to Solomon tomorrow but after reading your post and seeing pic of Crisfield, the Blue Crab capital, we may just alter plans!

    Whew, quite the windy day here in Deltaville, it was really honking. Sounds like a highly stimulating first day back at it! Can’t wait to catch up with you. Tracy & Darryl on Little Blue T

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