Great Sale Cay to Powell Cay. 51 mi. 6 hrs. Fri. May 5, 2023

Cruised from our anchorage at Great Sale Cay to Powell Cay anchorage. Northerly and NEasterly winds are predicted so we have tucked ourselves into a protected anchorage for the weekend. Monday we plan to cruise to another cay to explore.

Seeing lots of sailboats, mostly going the opposite direction, back to Florida, after the winter here in the Bahamas.

We have good electronic charts that help us navigate the rocks and shallow areas and lead us safely into our anchorage.

Enjoying celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Salud !

8 Replies to “Great Sale Cay to Powell Cay. 51 mi. 6 hrs. Fri. May 5, 2023”

  1. This is Cinco de Mayo. Looks like you are in another good weekend place. Let’s celebrate!
    I have a picture of my Brother Bob in a Maypole in Mexican dress. Think he would have been maybe seven years old.
    Maybe I could find the pic

    1. It’s just right for us. Adventurous, challenging, fun, with non stop maintenance and a little bit of bookwork studying winds, waves, weather and navigating. Always planning ahead. Suits us well.

  2. Thanks for sharing the maps! So much fun to see where you are! So, do you miss the sailing ⛵️?
    Seems like that would be a lot more work.

    1. Glad the maps are helpful. Sailing is a lot of work…our trawler cruises like a sailboat at 7 – 9 mph, but in luxury. Glad we know how to sail, but happy in our late sixties to be cruising in a trawler.

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