Old Bahamas Bay Marina, West End, Bahamas to Great Sale Cay. Thurs. May 4, ’23.

7 hours and 55 miles to cruise from West End to our anchorage for the night at Great Sale Cay.

Passed several sailboats on this beautiful day.

Starlink keeps us with internet the entire time…the white rectangular shape on the left beyond the dingy… John mounted it out of the way on our flybridge. It’s been working great here

Cruising along … enjoying our flybridge.

Great Sale Cay – a favorite place to anchor as boats make their way from one island to another. Lots of room for everyone.

Nice 80 degree water for a swim.

3 Replies to “Old Bahamas Bay Marina, West End, Bahamas to Great Sale Cay. Thurs. May 4, ’23.”

  1. I love all the maps so we can where you are in relation to the island chain. Beautiful water and scenery.

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