Powell Cay, North Abacos, Bahamas Sat. May 6, 2023

Staying a few days to enjoy being here.

Blue Yonder is anchored, has a generator to charge the batteries, a water maker to desalinize the salt water into fresh drinking water, a small 3.5 cu freezer for extra food, so we are self sufficient…for awhile.

The water maker. Hose from the salt water, processed through membranes, white hose fills water tank. 35 gallons an hour.

Took the dingy from the top of the flybridge.

Lowered the dingy down.

To the beach.

Enjoying a little rest.

Must get back to the boat as winds and waves pick up, especially on the north east side of the island. We are protected on the south side, but still a bit windy.

6 Replies to “Powell Cay, North Abacos, Bahamas Sat. May 6, 2023”

  1. Fascinating to see how the water desalination works. Does the salt collect some where? Could you use it for cooking?

    1. Thanks for explaining about the water system. So handy!

      Did you see where you stayed with your tennis friend at the Abacos?

      1. It is very handy to have fresh water in the Bahamas. We will be cruising to Green Turtle Cay in a couple of days where my tennis 🎾 team enjoyed a week at a house belonging to one gal on the team.

    2. The salt water comes in by way of the clear hose, then processed by the blue membrane, separated and the green hose returns the salt water back into the sea while the white hose deposits newly processed fresh water into the fresh water tank. We have not tried cooking with the salt water.

    1. This is amazing for us to enjoy this beautiful paradise. Who would have thought after learning to sail as 20 year olds God would provide us this opportunity
      ..and we went for it…

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