Stuart, FL. Sat & Sun, April 29, 30 – Waiting for a weather window.

Stuart, FL is a nice place to wait for the weather to calm down. Sailfish capital.

An old shrimp boat in front of the restaurant we visited. Sign read “Good woman wanted. Can cook, clean and sew. Must have boat. Send pictures of boat.”

After lunch, friends in Stuart drove us to the boat shop for needed parts.

John – in the engine room – replaced an old corroded rod with the new on the hot water tank, replaced the engine bilge pump switch and replaced a pressure relief valve on the hot water heater. Always a project …

Winds at 33 mph and waves at 7 feet- just too uncomfortable to cross the Gulf stream to the Bahamas today. Even a tornado warning…

Had time for the projects… and time to fill out the Bahamian customs form…all doable online these days. Simplifies much.

6 Replies to “Stuart, FL. Sat & Sun, April 29, 30 – Waiting for a weather window.”

  1. WOW y’all have been through done weather but looks calm now pictures are great when atf you expecting to hit open water the Bridges and tide would mske me extremely nervous safe travels and enjoy every moment

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