Vero Beach to Stuart, FL 43 mi. Thurs. April 27th.

Started the day @ 7 a.m. Calm winds.

John releasing our lines from the mooring ball.

Quiet morning & still waters as we left Vero Beach.

Osprey families busy with life.

Lovely homes along the Intracoastal.

Gulf stream crossing is 30 miles wide with a 3 mph northerly current.

Beautiful scenic natural areas.

6 Replies to “Vero Beach to Stuart, FL 43 mi. Thurs. April 27th.”

    1. Yes, the Gulf stream is to be respected. When we cross this 30 mile wide “Stream” we are to have no Northerly winds at all. The Gulf stream runs a North 3 mph current consistently. To have a North wind and North current would be non stop chop and very uncomfortable.

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