Cumberland River – Ohio River junction just past Paducah, KY anchorage. Wed. Oct 19

Sunrise this morning from our anchorage. Cairo, IL and the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers’ junction ahead. We turned upstream to the Ohio.

Many barges parked along the sides of the Ohio River.
Barges everywhere. The Ohio River is wide here.
Something went wrong.
Low water causing more barges to run aground and wait days to pass shallow areas.
Active dredging seen.

Sand passing through the hose onto the sides.

Locked through the Olmsted Lock 10′ rise, with 2 other pleasure crafts. Two big chambers so we did not wait long. 110′ by 1200′ .
Big sign so we don’ t go on the dam side.

Paducah, KY was our destination tonight, but the water was so low on the inside dock, we continued to an anchorage. Planning to lock through Barkley or Kentucky Locks tomorrow as we keep heading southbound.

We are near Paducah, KY.

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