Beardstown, IL to La Grange Lock & Dam- 8 miles…to wait 8 hours…

Sat. Sept 24, 2022.

Fellow boater took this photo of Blue Yonder and another Kadey- Krogen vessel side tied to Logsdon Tug Service barge marina as our flotilla is beginning the morning cruising to our Lock on the Illinois River, La Grange Lock, #8.
We left for the La Grange Lock as a group of six pleasure craft, “PCs” at 0700. Fog 10 minutes underway really came!!!

We arrived 8 miles later at the La Grange Lock after 1 1/2 hrs going at idle speed in very dense fog. At 8: 22 a.m…we arrived at the lock. It was a great drill of instrument reading for me. We could not see anything until the Lock! Much worse than the photo! Six of us pleasure crafts were together. When we arrived – we were put in “time-out” to anchor indefinitely. It was crazy for all us. 8 hours later – did I say eight hours later…we finally were locked through in 25 minutes. A barge takes 2 hours!

A little nature… a sunny day… a nice RV…recreational vessel…but a painful sit and wait situation…with no clue how long…
Barge after barge…
Finally we get our turn.
The Lock
We anchored close by after finally locking through at 4 :15 p.m. to reset again for tomorrow. Safe away from barges, currents…

4 Replies to “Beardstown, IL to La Grange Lock & Dam- 8 miles…to wait 8 hours…”

  1. All the locks on the Illinois River are behind you. There are 2 locks on the Mississippi River between Alton, Illinois and St. Louis. Then no locks until you get to the Tennessee River upstream from Paducah, KY. You are traveling with the current all the way to Cairo, Illinois. The Mississippi River is much wider than the Illinois River. Enjoy

    1. Thank you.. Appreciate the information. We need a little lock break. Looking forward to the infamous Mississippi and into St. Louis to Alton Marina. Planning to visit the Arch, the Museum of Westward Expansion and Fast Eddie’s Restaurant.

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