Frankfort, MI to Ludington. MI – Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Smooth seas, calm winds as we cruised 51 miles south along Lake Michigan…truly amazing !
Big Sable Lighthouse
Ludington State Beach
Sand Dunes along the coastline
Made it to Ludington Municipal Marina where 6 or 7 “Looper Boats” were also here…in time for docktails…
At 6 :45 p.m. we heard a horn and wait a minute…who is arriving into the marina…
Coal burning…car ferry..
Later walking around marina…salmon…caught like crazy..

Halfway down Lake Michigan now…here for a few days to enjoy…

2 Replies to “Frankfort, MI to Ludington. MI – Wed. Aug. 17, 2022”

  1. Great timing to catch up with your Looper friends! And to see the Carferry!
    Grilled salmon for dinner? So fresh!!

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