Heywood Island to So. Benjamin Islands Sun. July 17, 2022

Exploring North Channel
Another calm seas, winds and sunny day!
7 miles on the day’s journey around a Lighthouse was a swing bridge open on the hour for only 15 minutes.
Our mission – to time our arrival to make the opening.
We weren’t alone. A local led the way…
American Cruise ship at dock at the town of Little Current surprised us just after we passed through the swing bridge..
Beautiful granite rocks near our new anchorage.

Clear water, 72 degrees… refreshing.

Went to a sandy beach a cove over from our anchorage where other “Lock Down Big Chute” survivors met up…we have kept in touch…
Nice swim. Clear water.
Nice anchorage for the night.
As we were eating dinner we saw the American Cruise Ship, Ocean Navigator pass by…Hi Ed & Alice…our neighbors at home.

5 Replies to “Heywood Island to So. Benjamin Islands Sun. July 17, 2022”

  1. Hi Beautiful pictures..Looking like u are having beautiful weather… Im so Happy for u both.. Enjoy… Im enjoying your adventure…

  2. The big rocks are so beautiful on the shoreline. So nice that you all keep in touch along the way.

  3. The big granite rocks were interesting. We had to be careful not to hit one of the big rocks hidden underwater. Our charts were a must and being ever so vigilant.

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