Fenelon Falls, Ontario to Lake Simcoe, Ontario – Sun. July 3, 2022

Eight locks – including lift lock, a canal, a hole bridge, swing bridges.
Left Fenelon Falls in the morning
Kirkfield Lift Lock
Going off the cliff- 5 stories high! Going down this time!
Going through the bridge.
Trent Canal – shallow, rocky bottom, narrow when passing!
Sunday afternoon fun along the way
Stayed along the jetty wall waiting for Lake Simcoe crossing in the morning.
Lake Simcoe

2 Replies to “Fenelon Falls, Ontario to Lake Simcoe, Ontario – Sun. July 3, 2022”

    1. We have lucked out with calm winds and smooth water most of the way. Bad Luck caught up with us at Big Chute Lock 44. So we are relaxing and making the most of it. Trying to “respond” and not “react” to the unfortunate delay.

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