Campbellford 🇨🇦 to Rice Lake – Th. June 30, ’22

Making our way through the Canadian Trent-Severn Locks…like our Erie Canal locks…to Georgian Bay…to Michigan…43 locks
Turbulent waters from the lock before the doors open as the lock master releases the water in the chamber
We boats wanting to enter line up on the “Blue Line”.
Sometimes there are delays as boats 🚢 leave the locks ahead of us. John showing his latest boat hook to our lock mates as we wait.
Another double lock.
One lock included a swing bridge that held up traffic for us.
Always something to watch for in the day…an old railroad bridge with a narrow cut through for us to pass.
Anchoring at the end of the day in a cove just beyond Rice Lake.
Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦 🍁 . Waved goodbye to friends we had made along the way. Will see them up the way.

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