Kingston, Ontario to Trent Severn Waterway Locks – lock 4 – Tues. June 28, 2022. 75 mi.

Kingston to Trenton and into the Locks
Saw this vessel just after Kingston. See the mate near the sails.
Beautiful calm Bay of Quinte. Wind did appear later.
Made good time with great weather. Entering the 43 lock system.
Met Canadians at the first lock and continued up 4 locks together to end the day at Lock 4 Batawa. Tied on Blue line awaiting lock entry.
Hand cranked to open & close locks.
Dinner together at rustic Park tie up after lock. Made available by Canadian Park System for boaters.
Peaceful setting. Ready for lock 5 at 9 a.m.

4 Replies to “Kingston, Ontario to Trent Severn Waterway Locks – lock 4 – Tues. June 28, 2022. 75 mi.”

  1. You made it to Canada, congrats! We are loving following you. Though we are weeks behind you (will be at Lady Liberty tomorrow), we are with you in spirit. Great pics and descriptions. How fun that you will be there for Canada Day!

    1. Thank you! And thank you for helping us back home! We are tasked everyday with new challenges! Lots of new sights to see, adventurous people to meet, crazy situations to experience…Unbelievable time in our life to cherish.

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