Stuart, FL – We earned the Gold Burgee ! Crossed our wake. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, 2022

Last night we anchored just 2 miles from our final finish at Harborage Yacht Club where it all began May 10, 2021.
In the morning we needed to pass under 3 bridges – a drawbridge, a railroad bridge and a tall highway bridge.
We woke this morning to very dense fog. But fortunately we had all day to cruise a few miles. So we waited until 10 a.m.
Made the 10 a.m. drawbridge opening, railroad bridge was open and we were on our way to Harborage.
Cruised to the fuel dock and were greeted by several boat owners to catch our lines. We finished! 6000 miles! Phew ! Seven months of cruising the American Great Loop. So thankful for the opportunity. So thankful for the comraderie along the way.

10 Replies to “Stuart, FL – We earned the Gold Burgee ! Crossed our wake. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, 2022”

    1. Way to go Blue Yonder!! So glad we were able to connect in Kentucky. We have loved following your journey – great pictures and commentary and gives us some idea of what we have ahead of us. See you in Atlanta sometime! Hugs from Little Blue T

      1. Thank you, Darryl and Tracy. So good to have seen you both in Kentucky and shared some time together. Continue on your own wonderful journey and we’ll meet again in Atlanta.

  1. Hurray! Congratulations! You’re Gold Loopers!!

    Super sailing with perseverance the loop set out before you! You endured and kept the faith!

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