Tensaw River Anchorage to Dog River Marina, Mobile, AL Wed. Nov. 9, 2022 56 miles

Sunrise today at our anchorage.
Beautiful scenery today along the Mobile River.
Passed four barges in 1 hour. Phew.
Railroad bridge was open! Hooray!
Downtown Mobile.
Shipping channel. Cruise terminal.
In Mobile Bay. Entering Dog River.
Tied up on the fuel dock. Replacing propeller in haul out tomorrow.

3 Replies to “Tensaw River Anchorage to Dog River Marina, Mobile, AL Wed. Nov. 9, 2022 56 miles”

  1. Beautiful scenery and active boating!

    Fun being at the Marina. Hope the replacement of the propeller goes well!

    Is downtown Mobile nearby?

  2. Beautiful photos! Gorgeous scenery from sunrise to sunset.

    Interesting seeing Mobile! Didn’t realize it was such a big cruise terminal. Those are BIG shipping container boats.

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