Demopolis, AL to Bashi Creek Anchorage 59 m Sun. Nov. 6, 2022

Left @ 5:45 AM as a flotilla – 11 boats to make the Demopolis Lock @ 6: 30 AM…as per instructions from the lockmaster-who would lock us all together at that time slot.

We all fit by rafting together.
And then we departed and spread out depending on speed.
White cliffs along the side.
Even a restaurant on the River…Black Warrior Tombigbee River now.
Barges and more barges… Very polite and professional.
Railroad bridge and highway bridge. No waiting this time.
Many bends in the River.
Beautiful Sunday cruise.

4 Replies to “Demopolis, AL to Bashi Creek Anchorage 59 m Sun. Nov. 6, 2022”

  1. Many bends in the Rivers. Makes meeting barges challenging with shallow water so we have to watch our depth gage and not run aground or get hit. Most tug captains are courteous and professional. Interesting scenery with the white cliffs.

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