Mackinac City, MI to Petoskey, MI 48 miles Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

In the rain and winds we ventured out to cross Lake Huron under Mackinac Bridge, “Mighty Mac” into Lake Michigan. The infamous Lake did not greet us ‘warmly’ but kept her reputation…

Everyday is a different day here in Michigan.
Sometimes we had 1 mile visibility and sometimes we did not. But fortunately, John had installed new radar and AIS, a boat identifier, so we could lookout for barges and freighters and other vessels even though we could not see them.
We had large lights along the way as lake markers to aid navigation.
At times we saw the coastline we were following. Our biggest advantage to the day was following winds and seas. What luck! The winds were NE and we were going west and south!
Arrived at Bay Harbor Lake Marina in Little Traverse Bay. An old Quarry converted into a marina…our slip depth is 67 feet! Usually it is 7 – 9 feet.
Met Peachtree City friends who live up here in the summer.
Ernest Hemingway in 1919 – 1920 frequented here.
Visited Ernest Hemingway’s hangout, City Park Grill, in Petoskey for dinner. Tomorrow is predicted to begin a beautiful week.
Woke up to a beautiful day!

6 Replies to “Mackinac City, MI to Petoskey, MI 48 miles Mon. Aug. 8, 2022”

    1. Thank you. Everyday is a set of new challenges as the adventure continues. So happy we make it through each cruising day!
      Enjoying Michigan in a little slower pace. There is a lock in Chicago closed for 3 weeks, Aug 14 – Sept 7…therefore taking time to explore the towns along the way. Thank you for your enthusiasm.

  1. Wow, so courageous! Way to handle the wind, rain, and rough waves!! Plus cold- 55 low for summer!

    Rare opportunity to experience Michigan in all the elements. Your optimism and adventurous spirits are inspiring.

  2. Hemingway liked the Keys too, so he must have loved being by water!
    What a change of weather from fog and wind to a clear blue morning. Enjoy your week!

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