Midland Town Docks to Beausoleil Island anchorage. Wed. July 13, 2022

Midland has many, many murals in town.
Canadians are known for their Butter Tarts.
We are in granite territory.. Most are marked,, many are not…We got on our way only 10 miles or so from Midland to Beausoleil Island with many anchorage options. We chose Chimney Bay.
A few friendly sailboats came later in the day.
Our surrounding terrain.

2 Replies to “Midland Town Docks to Beausoleil Island anchorage. Wed. July 13, 2022”

  1. Good morning…It is a beautiful area there..
    There’s another one called Frying Pan Bay
    We have anchored there a few times…
    Enjoy the crusing..

    Beautiful pictures..
    Karen and Calvin

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