Croton-on-Hudson, NY Sightseeing day

Thurs. June 16, 2022

Visited West Point Military Academy

Strategic location on Hudson River

Chain used across Hudson during American Revolution to defend River from British invasion.
Cadet chapel
Picture of West Point
Dinner @ Ocean House – excellent 12 table restaurant walking distance from marina.

5 Replies to “Croton-on-Hudson, NY Sightseeing day”

  1. Thank you for all the great photos and information each day.
    In 2018 I walked by a statue in a park in Warsaw, Poland. On the left side, I read Saratoga, West Point. I guess you saw the statue of Thaddeus Kosciuszko at West Point. Poland helped us in the American Revolution. Pulaski is another polish officer that fought on our side. American pilots helped Poland with their fight for independence after WW1.
    More reading

  2. Great pictures! Not only is Europe beautiful!!! So is our grand USA.
    Did you know that both Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee both went to West Point?
    Interesting fact.

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