Hopetown, Elbow Cay Fri. May 19, 2023

Enjoying the anchorage right near Hopetown.

Snorkeling in the Atlantic Ocean. Nice to see the fish and live coral. Water is 86 degrees.

Walked around the small town. This is a main street for small cars and golf carts.

Cottage from 1929.

School girl in her uniform. School is to sixth grade, then take the 20 min. ferry to Marsh Harbor for more schooling.

Hopetown – small harbor with the refueling tanker visiting and small barge as well as many mooring balls for sailboats.

4 Replies to “Hopetown, Elbow Cay Fri. May 19, 2023”

  1. Love this post! Such interesting photos showing the life and culture of Bahamas.

    Nice conditions to snorkel!

  2. Great post capturing the town and history. Beautiful warm water and beach.

    Neat seeing the lighthouse and flamingos on the $10.

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