Powell Cay to Manjack & Crab Cays – 9 miles Mon. May 8, 2023

Today was a quick 9 mile cruise from Powell Cay to Manjack Cay in an hour or so time. Most of our cruising will be short now as we plan to visit Green Turtle Cay, Treasure Cay, Marsh Harbor, Hopetown and a few others all close by.

When we arrive, we usually lift our dingy over the side with our davit, our small crane on board, and put our tarp up and then we have a patio to relax and enjoy a spacious sitting area.

We went exploring in the dingy and saw several turtles, small rays and fish.

We set up a little beach tent, chairs and went snorkeling in the 80 degree water. Boaters have seen sharks, too but we have not yet.

Back to the boat for lunch.

So grateful to enjoy this blessing.

6 Replies to “Powell Cay to Manjack & Crab Cays – 9 miles Mon. May 8, 2023”

  1. So happy you guys are enjoying yourselves! Love the tent! Blue Yonder looks so lovely in the beautiful blue water!

    1. Thank you Debbie. We are enjoying the warm water, the beaches, the relaxing life and being on board Blue Yonder. So much fun for us ! Hoping your vessel is coming along.

  2. You have a great setup on the boat and on the ⛱️ super how you’re having so much fun! 🙂

    Do you fish too?

    1. We bought the beach tent, Neso brand at a little shop in Florida. It works great. We do not have fishing gear and have not fished yet. Maybe we will…

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