Marineland, FL. Sun. April 23, 2023

Stayed at the municipal marina right across the street from the 1938 Marineland Oceanarium.

Enjoyed the dolphin show very much. Now when we see them “surf our bow wave” we will appreciate the dolphins even more.

Beach too rough and too windy to swim today.

Tomorrow southward to New Smyrna Beach.

9 Replies to “Marineland, FL. Sun. April 23, 2023”

  1. We are sitting in Key West today. Planning to spend the next 30 days working our way northward through the Keys. Ending with 3 days at Disney and then heading to the Lake house for Summer!!!

  2. How neat!! It must have been wonderful to be so close to the dolphins. What a great organization. Do the dolphins perform at the GA Aquarium?

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