Useppa Island anchorage to LaBelle City, FL. 67 mi. Mon. Nov.21, 2022

Some of the houses along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway- mansions to mobile homes- even a two story mobile home.
Anchored last night right across Cabbage Key channel and restaurant. Jimmy Buffet was inspired to write “Cheeseburger in Paradise” song in this little restaurant. It was pouring rain, so it did not work out for us this time.
Calm seas this morning as we made our way to Fort Myers and the Okeechobee Waterway to Franklin Lock.
About ready to turn toward Fort Myers.
Boats damaged from Hurricane Ian.
Tug side towing another damaged vessel
Legacy Harbor Marina in Fort Myers was the worst damaged.
Another boat on the lawn due to storm surge.
Franklin Lock. First of five locks on the Okeechobee Waterway.
More ol’ Florida homes along the Waterway.
Real peaceful.
More bridges!
Arrived at the free city dock. We were creative tying up Blue Yonder with no finger piers. We jumped out the back to visit the town. But free electricity and water. Thankful for another good day. 5 bridges and 1 lock.

6 Replies to “Useppa Island anchorage to LaBelle City, FL. 67 mi. Mon. Nov.21, 2022”

  1. Sad to see the damaged marina and boats. It looks like a crane was already fixing the marina?

    LaBelle looks like a cute town.

  2. Beautiful old Florida! Interesting seeing the contrasts – some trailers, yards, and boats seem untouched while others demolished…
    Hope the rain passed soon enough for your stroll around town.

      1. I was in Ft Myers the days before the hurricane visiting my parents for my Dad’s birthday. We were in the parking lot of that marina looking at the boats the day before. I helped put up storm shutters and flew out. My folks evac’d too. That marina is not even the worst of the lot.

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