Clearwater to Sarasota 57 miles. Sat. Nov 19, 2022.

We tackled 10 bridges…today…
Some we had to wait to lift on the half hour or hour…
John at the helm.
Tug ran aground…we went to his stern carefully…shallow water
Blue Yonder in Sarasota…really nice mooring field.
Amazing day enjoying the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.

6 Replies to “Clearwater to Sarasota 57 miles. Sat. Nov 19, 2022.”

  1. Wonderful cruise along the west coast of Florida. Glad the locks went smoothly. You’re pros for sure!

    Nice stay at Sarasota.

      1. Thanks, Ed & Alice. We keep progressing on the adventure. Hoping to finish strong as Gold Loopers this Thanksgiving ! Then on to Jacksonville, our new home port and meeting you there!

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