Pensacola to Destin, FL Sat. Nov. 12, 2022- 52 mi.

Nice sunrise at anchorage.
Beautiful sand dunes of Santa Rosa Island.
Sunny, quiet day.
Steering from the flybridge all day.
Passed Hurlburt Air Force Base – C- 130s everywhere.
Homes along the Gulf Intracoastal.
Approaching Destin with its beautiful sand and water.
Boating friends passed us and took this of us.
Sand dunes.
Went to dinner in Destin Harbor.
Blue Yonder at anchorage in Destin Harbor.

3 Replies to “Pensacola to Destin, FL Sat. Nov. 12, 2022- 52 mi.”

  1. Great fun seeing Florida!! Nice family memories of Hurlburt and Destin.

    Fun beachy seafood restaurant. Did you order some oysters?

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