Midway Marina- Fulton, Mississippi layover day. Thurs. Oct. 27, 2022

We are on the Tennessee – Tombigbee Waterway.
Our longtime friend, Kim, came to visit.
She took us to nearby Tupelo for the day.
Delicious lunch!
Tupelo is a very clean, cute town.
Visited Elvis’s birthplace in Tupelo.
A two room house his father built.
Elvis died at 42 years old.

Elvis wanted a rifle when he was twelve for his birthday. His mom bought him a used guitar instead. The local preacher taught him a few chords…

Afterwards we visited Columbus AFB where we lived for 5 years during pilot training. Our twin daughters were born here 40 years ago
John’s first AF jet, T – 37.

2 Replies to “Midway Marina- Fulton, Mississippi layover day. Thurs. Oct. 27, 2022”

  1. Love seeing the pictures of Columbus AFB! 🙂 🙂 Cool even seeing Dad’s first jet!

    Neat learning about Tupelo and the birthplace of Elvis. This summer was the release of the biographical movie of “Elvis.”

    Did you know Kim from AFB days?

    1. It was fun seeing Tupelo, Mississippi and Elvis’s birthplace. Columbus AFB is very busy with still lots of training going on. We know Kim from New Life Ministries.

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