Grand Haven, MI to South Haven, MI – 50 Miles. Fri. Sept.16, 2022

First order of the day- to pass under the drawbridge on the half hour every hour except 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Two other pleasure craft vessels and Blue Yonder were successful at 8:30 a.m.

The bridgemaster opened the one side, since a barge was working construction on the other side.

Waves calmed down after 15 miles on the journey. We passed Saugatuck Sand Dunes.

Lots of nice homes right on the beach of Lake Michigan.

Approaching the protected harbor.

Electric system extra sensitive at this marina.

South Haven Marina straight ahead.

Blue Yonder in her slip for the night.

4 Replies to “Grand Haven, MI to South Haven, MI – 50 Miles. Fri. Sept.16, 2022”

  1. Good work getting the timing right to pass under the drawbridge! Glad the winds calmed after 15 miles. Blue Yonder looks great in her slip. Love her American flag.

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